- Jeremy Floyd - http://www.jeremyfloyd.com -

What’s Your Story Morning Glory?

It would probably make your day if your boss, banker, partner, or spouse called you and told you how important you are. In fact, it would be great if more people around you would tell you today the things they would eventually say about you in eulogy. Occasionally, it happens.

We do, however, have a voice constantly providing feedback on every aspect of our lives.

“You really suck at your job,” it says in the morning.

“Your nose is too honkin’ big,” it says when you look in the mirror.

“You’re never going to be recognized for your effort,” it says after a long day.

“You’re getting fat, old, and lazy,” it nags on the weekend.

Our inner cheerleader is more of a Trojan horse. For an example of this see the Dove Real Beauty video:

Our script is broken. A few weeks ago, Godin wrote a little post about having two lists.

The thing is, at every juncture, during every crisis, in every moment of doubt, you have a choice. You will pull out one (virtual) list or the other. You’ll read and reread it, and rely on it to decide how to proceed.

Up to you [which one you use].

Using the “bad” list is easy. I will bet anyone $100 that you’re prettier, happier, more valuable than your voice tells you. So paint that picture for yourself and look at it when you stare into the mirror. If you need a reminder take this list and print it out and make it your script, but remember what other people see in you is bound to be a better reflection of the truth than what you envision.

Dove Real Beauty Sketch