You better make a strong bid on these to ensure your success… Congrats, Brian, I know it was the pencils because I had class with you.
You better make a strong bid on these to ensure your success… Congrats, Brian, I know it was the pencils because I had class with you.
Today, I celebrate. This afternoon UT College of Law will dismiss their last class and students will get that glut in their throats that their lives will be on hold for the next three weeks….
I have listed my study materials on eBay. If you are interested in passing the bar in February 2007, you should check out this auction. In addition to the standard BARBRI and PMBR materials, I…
Through some help from my friends, we came up with the list of the topics that were tested in the summer 2006. I hope that you find this helpful. Federal and Tennessee Constitutional Law URLTA… I’s a lawyer, bi-otches. I knew when the page loaded and the first name on the list was “EMILY FAYE ABBOTT,” there was no need to look any further–I definitely passed. Now, I can…
At 12:00 the results were due, and we are still waiting. My cadre of online friends from law school are huddled over our computers IM’ing. My friend Tim made the astute observation: “I may be…
Curious if anyone knows what topics were tested in February. I have a short and incomplete list that I have gathered. If anyone can fill in the blanks that would be helpful. 1. 2. Ethics…