Leading with Love, Yes, Love

Whether you have the best team on earth or inherit the team of misfits, like Coach Dale, loving them is the difference between winning a game and transforming and forever altering lives. Loving isn’t something that you have or you don’t. It is a journey that may feel good at first but requires great commitment and humility to actually see results. It is not easy or fast or glorious.

Resolve This

It’s that time of year again when we start the process of remaking ourselves. This year I’ve “resolved” to try something different. Instead of trying to improve myself, what if I try improving the life of someone else. What are your ideas.


Recently, I was sitting in a board meeting, and I started to question why I was there—not in the existential sense—but why and how was I really serving the organization? Was I merely “showing up?”…

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I consume a number of audiobooks, but how do you retain all of the content? Here are a few tips that I use to improve comprehension and use of audiobooks.

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