
Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ page collects and makes available some of the common questions from class. Feel free to email me with questions that you don’t want publicly displayed, but I would strongly encourage you to post questions in the comment section below. More than likely, if you have a question, someone else in class does as well.

[learn_more caption=”Where am I supposed to post my class assigned writing?”] In this class we will not be using Blackboard’s “blog” feature for class assignments. Please post all assignments on your blog. For most people that is the Posterous blog. [/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”How do I keep up with blog posts from my classmates?”] There are a variety of “blog readers” available. Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail both allow you to “subscribe” to web content. One of the easiest tools to keep up with blog content is to use Google Reader. I have prepared this short video to show you how to subscribe to blog content and organize your classmates’ blog posts into an easy-to-use format.[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”When are the assignments due?”] Writing assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the Sunday following class (unless indicated otherwise). Reading assignments should be completed before we meet for class. Be prepared to discuss the assigned material.[/learn_more]

If you have any questions about class material, assignments, or social media tools in general, please post a comment below.