- Jeremy Floyd - http://www.jeremyfloyd.com -

Stay Curious, My Friend

When someone says, “I don’t get it” because they simply don’t understand how the project works or how the pieces fit together, then we’ve failed to communicate.

When someone says, “I don’t get it” because they are smug, then there’s no persuasion powerful enough to overcome their perception. You have to prove it to them the hard way.

But, when someone says, “I don’t get it” because they are genuinely fueled by childlike curiosity, then eureka moments surely follow.

Curiosity isn’t fearful, sarcastic, angry, or egotistical. It drives us to look under boxes, read books, listen intently to those around us, and ask the greatest question of all time: “what if?” Curiosity keeps us young at heart. Occasionally, the answer underwhelms and the rabbit trail is shorter than we thought. Worst of all, curiosity sometimes makes us ask dumb questions. Then we have a choice, we can stay curious or we can accept the status quo and quit asking the dumb questions.

Stay Curious, My Friend

My advice is to stay curious at all costs.

“Curiosity is the lust of the mind.” – Thomas Hobbes