We have so many places to write about what we are doing, who we are doing it with, where we are doing it, what it looks like, what our friends think about it, and what strangers think about it. But where do you write the things that you really don’t want to broadcast?
Since July, I have been using Day One to journal thoughts (words) and experiences (pictures) that I don’t necessarily want to publish to the world.  Of course, it provides the option to push the magic share button, but in a world of overshare sometimes we need the quiet reflection and collection of our ideas sans comments. The app is beautifully simple and elegantly synchronized among all Apple devices through iCloud. By the way, this is not a paid endorsement in case you are wondering.
Journaling like exercising is one of those things that we all think that we should do, but rarely do we set aside time to do it with discipline. If you’ve ever typed out the nastiest, meanest email only to erase, then you know the catharsis that journaling can provide. There are moments in life when you just need to write about falling off your horse, and quite frankly the whole matter is between you and the page.
How and why do you journal?
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