
A little more than a month ago, I strolled into work after more that 6 weeks off. I took time off to study for the bar, take the bar, drink a lot of beer, take a vacation, and drink more beer.

The first week back to work, a colleague noted, “you seem mighty subdued.” My subdued approach to work lasted for all of about the remainder of that week. Then, I begin to slip into the overwork-a-holic routine that I most commonly identify as my nature.

Since returning, I find myself doing things that I would wager few of my law school classmates are doing. Within the first week, I negotiated a settlement for a pending lawsuit. I have counseled employees, decision makers, and even one husband and wife (not sure how to qualify that one in my job title). I have accomplished a number of tasks that I feel absolutely unqualified to attempt. Somehow I believe (possibly naively) that this is seasoning.

No one is naturally good at making hard decisions that affect people’s lives. We learn this balance that informs these decisions not in a classroom, but by daily being in the position of making decisions. Sometimes I make terrible decisions and get “beat up” for them, and other days I make good decisions for which I am rewarded. I hope with the addition of the new category “seasoning” to talk about some of the things that I learn along the way.

Jeremy Floyd

Jeremy Floyd is the President at FUNYL Commerce. Formerly, he was the CEO and President of Lirio, Bluegill Creative, a marketing and communications firm in Knoxville, Tennessee. In addition to managing the digital strategies, Floyd was an adjunct professor for the University of Tennessee Chattanooga MBA program teaching digital strategies and social media. Floyd blogs at and tweets under the name @jfloyd. Jeremy is licensed to practice law in the State of Tennessee and holds a law degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree from MTSU in English and Philosophy.

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