A Few Thoughts from Doug

After a week of excitement, I’m sitting in my own bed preparing to go to sleep. I’ve enjoyed Jer’s blog and all the comments. Now I’m ready to rest for about two solid weeks before I do much of anything. I am going to the clinic twice a week but otherwise I’m pretty much confined to the house. After that, I’ll follow pretty much whatever the doctors tell me. Some people say recovery ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. So I will have to wait and see.

Removing the Hospital Bracelets

Once I cut the hospital bracelets off, I’m officially home.

After spending six in the care of UT Hospital staff, I am amazed and impressed at the care and tireless service of all the workers from doctors to RNs to CNAs to the cleaning ladies and even to the phlebotmists who woke me in the middle of the night. Watching the effort and serivce of RNs deserve special note. The floor nurse work long, hard shifts and continually adapt to new situations in each room. One minute they are taking blood, the next changing dressings, or teaching about medications or a host of other duties. They effortlessly shift between functions while serving patients with a kind and caring attitude. I am grateful for all their hard work.

Joyce, one of my remarkable RNs

One RN who took extra time to care for me and explain many different things about medications and transplant care was Joyce. She’s a kind woman and Kelly and I deeply appreciate her service.

There’s much to write about and I may add an update or two tomorrow. Plus I hope to read more of Jeremys’ delightful tongue-in-cheek comments. I also will try to add a reflection to Floydville this week, but I’ll let you know here as well. Thanks for your kind words, prayers for Izaak and myself and your presence in my life.

Doug E. Fresh

  • So glad you are home Mr. Doug!

  • Wes

    Welcome home Doug! Best wishes for a happy and quick recovery. Your thunderous laugh is already missed here at work. 🙂

  • Barbara Edwards

    Hi Doug, Kelly and Izaak,
    I’ve been keeping up with the blog daily, and it sounds like things are going well. Doug and Izaak, we’re all remembering you in our prayers, and Kelly, as well as praying for you, we all miss you at the office! I’m so glad you guys are home and doing well. You are all an inspiration!

    Much love………….Barb

  • David Moore

    Nurses are cool!

  • Lisa Duncan

    Doug and Izaak,

    I wish you both all the best in your recovery. It was such a joy and inspiration to see the positive attitudes you both had as well as the love and support of your family. It is the caring for patients such as yourself that makes my job as a nurse the reason I come to work. You both have touched my life as well as others and continue to lead the positive strength and character you have to be the mentor for others.

    your friend,

    Lisa Duncan, nursing intern 12 east