I finished my commercial law exam on Monday. Last in-class final, and I had one take-home final and a paper to finish for Law & Literature. Earlier in the semester we were able to “pick” our due dates for our assignments, and I chose the last day of the final period, May 12. I figured this would take the pressure off of me.
Anyway, after the comm. law exam I went to work and had a crazy schedule trying to catch up on a number of things that I missed in the few days that I took off to study. Wednesday morning I worked on my paper for L&L and kept the daughter home. We found out that day that at her school they had a head-lice incident, so Thursday (the day that I was going to devote entirely to the take-home and paper) she again stayed home with me. I didn’t finish the paper–imagine. This morning I wake up and decide to knock out the take-home. Reading of the directions i see the line, “The completed exam must be submitted anonymously to the Student Records Office no later than Friday, May 5th, by 5:00 pm.” Of course, I read this on May 6th at 7:30 am. Holy Crap! Frantically, I called my professor (yes, at 7:30 am on a Saturday) and explained the situation. Still asleep, she told me that we would have to meet with the Dean on Monday.
So, I am cranking through this final this weekend, and I will take it to the records office on Monday at 8:00 am. Pray for mercy! I have a list of mitigating factors, but when it comes down to it, I have really dropped the ball on this one. Yikes.